How To Bold In Whatsapp

how to bold in whatsapp is a very popular tutorial that thousands of people are checking out. The tutorial tells users how to quickly and easily change the font style of their SMS application without having to wait for a refresh. As many users have seen, there's nothing worse than trying to read a badly designed text on a small device that has no bright colors. This tutorial explains why it's so important to think about the font you use even when on the go.

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how to bold in whatsapp


When an individual receives an SMS on their mobile, it might not appear as such on a big screen. However, this doesn't mean that individual should let the message roll right over them. Instead, the individual should tap the send button in order to get underlined or bolded the text. Obviously, there are many different reasons why individuals want to use these two different features in their whatsapp and different companies might have different choices.


Many companies use underline and bold as two separate features for different reasons. Underline text tricks your audience by drawing attention to specific text parts. It makes the user focus on what's being said. The advantage of this messaging app is that it lets you get the most from your text messages.

How To Bold In Whatsapp


The opposite of underline text is italic. The purpose of italics is to make your message more prominent and also draws attention to any visuals or images you include. It is very similar to what we see when we're reading an article. An internet user doesn't always want to read all the words. They'd rather focus on the highlighted part and read the rest of the sentence at a faster speed. The same principle applies in this messaging app.


You have a few different options when it comes to formatting your message. There's no right or wrong way, so feel free to experiment and see what looks best for your message. I personally like to use italics for my links and to italicize my text when I'm not trying to emphasize something. In addition to using the right tool, you'll need to be consistent in your use of both bold and underline. When you have a heading, a subheading, and then some content, you need to use a consistent pattern of both underline and bold.


Most people in South Korea use either Courier 12-point font or their brand of Microsoft Word. Because we use a lot of dark text on a mobile platform, especially with Android, it can look a little garish to have the same boring Courier font everywhere. To remedy that, many people are using the neat and tidy monospace font, which gives their text a better look and feel. With either type of text formatting, you need to be very careful with how to bold in whatsapp.


If you're unsure how to do this in the first place, try to hit Google and type in your current messages on the text input box, then tap the + button next to "roman-underline". Underneath the input box is a new drop-down menu where you can choose "roman-underline". If you're really unsure how to do it, open up the latest version of your whatsapp and add the + button there. It will replace the regular underline text with the italicized one.


While both styles of underline text work, they are slightly different. The main difference between the two is that with Courier, when you add the + sign, it will automatically underline text and when you add the - sign, it will automatically strikethrough text. Since most Korean apps use the + and - symbols in their titles, it's used as a way to indicate the opening and closing of the app. So if you want your Korean to be displayed as bold, all you need to do is add - to your monospace format settings and it will automatically display as bold text.

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